Can you use the XM Directory tasks in Actions when Survey Termination is set to Anonymize Response? | XM Community
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I'm trying to use Actions to automatically update records in my email list with new data based on a survey response. The survey must have the Anonymize Response Survey Termination setting enabled to prevent respondents from being identified with their responses.
I've run a test scenario and the process is failing. The Task shows it's completed, but the Add to Contact List part fails. I'm guessing this is because of the Anonymize Response setting, because it doesn't happen in surveys that don't have that setting applied, but I can't find any confirmation that this is expected behavior in the Support pages or Community. Has anyone else run into this before? Is there any sort of workaround?

Hi MatthewM ! Thank you so much for posting! I think this sounds like it may not be intended functionality. I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to handle and identify an issue like this!

Thanks AmaraW! I went ahead and submitted this request to Support yesterday after giving it a couple days for someone to respond here. According to Support, this IS intended functionality: "Because actions fire after the survey is completed, there will be no contact list data recorded to allow the action to fire correctly." I expected that was the case, but glad they were able to confirm.

MatthewM I am so glad that you were able to get the help you need! That makes a lot of sense given the data anonymization. Thank you for sharing Support’s insight with the community!

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