Carry Forward all statements selected in one scale point | XM Community
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I know this a simple question, but I cannot figure it out. I am trying to Carry Forward any statement from the previous question where the user selects one of four scale points ("Most Important"). I know that doing this for multiple scale points ("Most Important" and "Very Important") is complicated, but I think doing it for one is an included feature. I just cannot figure out how to say that I only want the ones to appear where the use picks "Most Important." I appreciate any help.

Oh my God ... I needed to scroll down the choices in the Carry Forward dialog box. So stupid.

Assuming you are carrying forward from a Likert Matrix, you should be able to carry forward:
"Selected Statements for Scale Point: Most Important"

Thanks. I thought the options I saw were the only ones. I had no idea I could scroll for more!

Here's a step-by-step guide:

Survey Flow:

After the question where users select one of the four scale points, go to the "Survey Flow" section.
Branch Logic:

Add a branch based on the user's response to the scale question. If the response is "Most Important," direct respondents to a specific block or question.
Carry Forward:

In the block where respondents who selected "Most Important" are directed, use the "Carry Forward" feature.
This feature allows you to pass the responses to subsequent questions or blocks.
Conditional Statements:

If you only want to carry forward specific statements, consider using embedded data and conditional statements.
For example, if the answer is "Most Important," set an embedded data variable (e.g., CarryForwardFlag) to true.
Carry Forward Based on Condition:

In subsequent questions or blocks, use the "Carry Forward" feature conditionally.
Only carry forward statements if the CarryForwardFlag is true.
Here's a simplified representation:

Copy code
Survey Flow:
1. Branch Logic:
   - If ScalePointQuestion == "Most Important," go to Block_A; else, proceed to the next block.

2. Block_A:
   - Carry Forward all statements.
   - Set embedded data variable CarryForwardFlag to true.

3. Subsequent Blocks/Questions:
   - Use Carry Forward conditionally based on CarryForwardFlag.
Feel free to adapt this approach based on the specifics of your survey and platform features. If you encounter any issues or need further clarification, the Qualtrics community or support resources can be valuable for more tailored assistance.

I was create the surway for the Tesla Homes about future updates then i use this method.

Best of luck with your survey!



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