Carrying Forward Multiple Selection Choices As Text For Series of Other Questions | XM Community
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I'm currently working on a survey that is meant to ask students about their reasons for and experiences with on-campus employment. At one point, if they expressed they work on campus, we ask them to pick which departments they work for from a multiple selection choice. From there we carry forward those choices to ask about how many hours per week and how many semesters, which is easy enough.
What I am having a problem with, however, is that I also want to ask for each department they selected why they are working for that department. So what I need is the carry forward/pipe in/display/whatever appropriate approach is needed to take the departments they selected in a question and set up a series of multiple selection questions with each department in a separate question.
Thank you ahead of time for any help you can provide.

So it sounds like this is how your survey is set up (basically):

  • Q1: Which department are you in? Select all.

  • Q2: About how many hours per week do you work in each of the following departments? (use carry forward to display selected choices from Q1)

  • Q3: About how many semesters do you work in each of the following departments? (use carry forward to display selected choices from Q1)

A note on carry forward: If you have a "none of the above" type of option in Q1, then you should probably only be displaying follow-up questions with carry forward logic if "none of the above" is NOT selected in Q1.
One option would be to create a form field question that again carries forward selected responses from Q1. This would be most appropriate if you were collecting open-ended data about why respondents chose a particular department. I probably would NOT do this, personally.
  • Q4 (OPTION 1): Why are you working in each of the following departments? (make this a form question. carry forward form fields - use selected choices from Q1).

If you don't like using the form fields, and/or if you want to use a multiple choice style follow-up question, then I'd abandon the idea of using carry forward. Create a separate question for each department, and use display logic like this:
  • Q5: Why are you working in Department 1? [Display this question IF "Department 1" IS Selected in Q1.]

  • Q6: Why are you working in Department 2? [Display this question IF "Department 2" IS Selected in Q1.]

  • Repeat for all remaining departments. You can create the first question however you like and then "Copy" it to make this process easier. You'll just need to change the department name & display logic on the copied questions.

lmk if that didn't answer your question was afraid the solution was going to be your second option there (use display logic), but that looks like it will solve the problem. Just figured I'd ask if there was something easier first before doing it that way. Thank you for the help.

Yup, sorry it's not more simple. I guess you could do a loop and merge based on selected choices in Q1. Like this:
Here's the loop set up:
Your loop & merge questions has to be in a new block (separate from whatever question the loop is based on). Here's more info from the support page
Edit: you'd also want to make sure you go into your survey flow and only show the loop & merge to respondents who did NOT select "none" in Q1

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