Checking numbers entered in form add to 100% | XM Community
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Checking numbers entered in form add to 100%

  • 7 April 2021
  • 2 replies

I really hope someone can help me as I have spent several hours scanning the Support Site for an answer without any luck. I have a question that asks participants to allocate a total amount of time they had spent on a compliance task, across different types of internal personnel (see image below). Participants are asked to enter numbers in the text box without a % sign.
I need to find a way of making sure the participants answers add up to exactly 100% before moving on to the next question, and giving them a customised message if this isn't the case. Any suggestions for achieving this need to be pretty exhaustive, as I'm a Qualtrics novice and not familiar with coding JavaScript.
Validation question.JPG

You might like to look at the Constant Sum question type - this has inbuilt functionality to automatically add together the numbers that are entered and you can specify the maximum value (and even show a running total as respondents enter values).
There's more information available here -
Hope this helps!

Hey Ashleigh - just the advice I needed. Completely does what I wanted - thanks so much for the fast response. Cheers!

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