Draw Without Replacement | XM Community
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Draw Without Replacement

Hello, we are trying to create randomizations without replacement. We have read some other posts but haven't solved our issues.
(Our design)
We have two pools of 36 graphics respectively, which are medical intake forms of patients. Participants will read at least three forms from the same pool. The drawings are in separate questions about Patient A, B, C, and D. Thus, our randomization of the forms is drawing with replacement, which means participants might see the same form more than once. For example, Patient A and Patient D are both Ada.--We would like to avoid this problem.
(Possible Solutions -with concerns)
Plan A: We assign an embedded value of each form and put them in separate blocks. Then we might use branch Logic to suppress the repetition.
     --Concern: The first step might be manually creating hundreds of blocks with one form in our four parts of experiments.
Plan B: At the beginning of each experiment, we draw four forms first then randomly display them in each question.
 (1) How can we randomly draw the four forms without showing them to the participants until later?
 (2) How to display the four drawn forms into four separate questions?             
--Is there a more elegant way to draw without replacement?
Thank you very much for your time and help!

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