export SAV-file numeric | XM Community
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We have conducted a simple randomized experiment performed as a survey via Qualtrics. 751 participants. We need to download data to SPSS SAV format with numeric codes for all answers, but we are not able to do that. We manage to download a SAV file, but only in text format (appears as Notepad file) We follow a recipe BI Norway has added. When followed we do not get all the options listed there (page 1: "export with Legacy format" ) . Critical for us to get this downloaded in SAV with numeric coding.  Can anyone help? Suggestions?

Hi Bgo ! If you haven’t already, we’d recommend reviewing this support page on exporting to SPSS to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support page, you'll want to reach out to the Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

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