How can I simplify a complex email trigger setup? | XM Community
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Hello all,
I'm working on a project in Qualtrics which is essentially a request form for a variety of different budget requests for our org. The first page of the form is a multi-select question of 7 categories, and the user can select as many categories as they feel relate to their request. Each of the 7 categories has a module built out for it, and some are relatively detailed. For the simpler ones, I summarize them all in a descriptive text question and carry that forward to embedded data (and then on to a contact list trigger, but that part is not important right now). Some of the more complex modules will ask how many items a person is requesting, and each item requested might have 5 or 6 fields of info collected. There might be three modules with that variable number of items requested. So, ultimately, a lot of potential rows of info potentially collected from one submission.
One of the most important functions of this process is the email trigger form the submission to the budget approval people, and it summarizes the requests. Thinking about how there are 7 potential modules, and some of those modules have maybe 3-10 different variables, I want an efficient way to deliver the info that was included in the request to the budget approvers. If I include all of the options for all of the modules in every email trigger, but a submitter only selects one or two of the modules, they get these long emails with a lot of blank content. If I want, I could use logic in Actions to create a bunch of different email triggers for all of the different scenarios, but I'd end up with 50-100 email triggers, which is a nightmare and just not reasonable when considering updated and changes to the form design and content. 
I'm looking for an idea or solution that might bridge the gap here - how can I share the data based on the selected modules and options in my form without blank data in all of the unused fields, but also without creating a zillion different email triggers? Any ideas?
Happy to provide some additional details and answer any questions you might have. Thanks for any insights!

If anyone is interested, I ended up including all of the data in a single email and adding a table of contents with clickable links to anchors for each module section in the message. The modules selected in that first question are piped in just above the table of contents, so users will know which modules to look for, and then they can click the module name in the table of contents to jump to it. Best I could come up with!

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