How do I only require a response for one column of a side by side question? | XM Community
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Howdy! Thank you so much for reading this.
I am stumped about how to make ONLY the scaled response (likert) in column 1 required:
Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 11.41.35 AM.pngI'm using display logic here because Q2 asks "Did you do X?" (Yes/No) question for a series of statements. Then in Q3, users will be asked "Will you continue to do X?" and MUST answer Yes, Maybe, No in column 1 and can provide any OPTIONAL additional info in column 2.
I tried using custom validation, but it only works if a user selects Yes in Q2 for all statements.
Many, many thanks in advance for your time.

SBS_Custom_Validation.qsfHey hmacdermott,
I was able to do it with the following condition sets in Custom Validation (see screenshot below). I also attached the QSF for you to view.

OMG! Wow! Thank you so much!!!! I'm such a qubie, I had to google what a .qsf file is! 🙄 But I've imported it and I'm going to try to replicate it now. 🤞🤞🤞

farmaly If I have recoded values for Q3, like this:
Answer 1 = 1
Answer 2 = 0
Answer 3 = -1
I don't think I can use "Click to write Statement 1 (Recode)" for the logic sets, right?

Ah, well then you would use "is Not Empty" for the second condition.
(ps. I don't think Q recommends using negative value recodes)

farmaly Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn't have been able to make this work if it wasn't for your timely assistance. I am truly grateful!

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