How do I show participants their uniqueID? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
I know Qualtrics generates a uniqueID for each survey response but I need to display these to participants at the end of the survey so that they can copy the identification code on to paper documents they are going to submit as part of data collection. This will allow us to connect the quantitative and qualitative data. How do I do this?
The closest thing I can find is this but it assigns random numbers rather than uniqueIDs so two participants could end up with the same ID.
Thank you in advance!

To display the ResponseID to respondents, try including the below Piped Text in a Text/Graphic question:

Thanks Tom! This seems to work.
It's a shame they generate such complex strings (e.g., R_12hDBKmv2zPghA8) because the likelihood of participants making errors copying this onto physical documents is high.

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