How do you change the color of answer text? | XM Community
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I'd like to make the default answer text color a darker grey because the default color is difficult to read for folks with low vision. What is the CSS code for changing just the answer text? I don't need to change the question text, the answer background, or anything else. Just the answer text. Thank you!

You can include the below CSS to change the color of default input text in look & feel>style>customCSS
.Skin .MC .TextEntryBox, .Skin .TE .ESTB .InputText, .Skin .TE .FORM .InputText, .Skin .TE .ML .InputText, .Skin .TE .PW .InputText, .Skin .TE .SL .InputText {
    color: #000;
Hope it helps!

Hi Deepak, thank you for response. Unfortunately, when I try that with a dark grey hex code, I don't notice any change. This is what I put in the Custom CSS field:
.Skin .MC .TextEntryBox, .Skin .TE .ESTB .InputText, .Skin .TE .FORM .InputText, .Skin .TE .ML .InputText, .Skin .TE .PW .InputText, .Skin .TE .SL .InputText {
  color: #5A5A5A;

Can you think of any reason why this wouldn't have changed the answer text color? default value is #757575 which is very close to #5a5a5a. I believe you should inspect the text and check within style the color value. or you can include !important to override default CSS as well.

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