How to ignore first page when deciding whether to store as a partial response? | XM Community
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So Qualtrics conveniently allows you to store partial responses, and only counts something as a partial response if the respondent has actually visited the next page. In most cases, that would be a legit partial response.
However, in my case the survey is for academic research, and thus the first page is just a consent form. I don't care about recording partial responses that just signed the consent form, clicked next, and then fleed without filling in anything in Page 2.
Is there any way to not record these but still record partial responses?
E.g. some way to say "record this as a partial response if they've at least reached question X" would be very useful.

I don't think there's a way to only record if they reach a certain point. But you can go into your partial responses and delete anyone that only saw the first page. It would mean having to go and delete people periodically throughout fieldwork though so they're not recorded as a complete.
Or if you want to record them all then have a quick way of deleting the partials you don't want then you can set embedded data to be set after page 1 then you can just filter on this in the data.
Sorry I couldn't be more help! problem is that then they can't go back, and I don't want to disable that just for my convenience 😕

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