How to incorporate existing Display Logic in reporting? | XM Community
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I have several Display Logic instances in my survey, but when I view the default Results (using the new Results look), the reporting doesn't mention anything about who saw this question. I searched for this in the XM community and the online "manual" but couldn't find anything relevant. Any thoughts?

Display logics are survey specific and cannot be carried forward to the results tab. As results tab show you visualizations of the responses collected. If you would like to see the count or actual person who viewed the specific question, my recommendation would be to create a separate widget on the results tab and apply appropriate filters on the same.
A much better view would be on CX Dashboard if you have access to it, you can visualize the data there as well.
Hope it helps!

Deepak Thank you for your reply and the unfortunate news about display logic not being carried forward into reporting--that is disappointing and surprising. BUT, I appreciate your help! is the display logic set up? I mean, if you have it set to show something then you know the person saw it by looking to see if that selection was selected.

MattiasM Thank you for the question and consideration. Yes, you are correct that the display logic worked as expected within the survey (only show this if the criteria are met), however, I was HOPING that the Results would include this criteria within the default report (so that when I'm sharing the Results, others know the criteria used).
As it is, the n of cases for the questions with display logic simply looks like many respondents chose not to answer this question, and it would be helpful if the reader of the results knew the criteria. I'm sure I could add this text manually, but that seems to defeat the purpose of Qualtrics already knowing this relationship.
Does that help explain my disappointment?

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