How to recode the values of non-numbers? | XM Community
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In qualtrics, I know how to recode if the values are numbers. But currently I have a question: what state are you live in the U.S.? So there are 50 states. And what I want recode is AL, AK, AZ,... These are letters not numbers. I don't know how to do.

In the Data & Analysis tab, you can use the Field Editor to create a new field in your data. Set the new field to equal the abbreviation for each state found in the original field.
image.pngThis can be done in the "Bucketing" option.

image.pngThen what next? Many thanks in advance!

It will create a new variable in your dataset with state abbreviation.

I didn't figure it out. This is my attempt. But this doesn't work.

Can you provide a little more detail about the result? What do the data in your new state abbreviation field look like?

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