How to translate "Next" button text for a survey in multiple languages? | XM Community
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For a multi-country project, I have recently translated a survey into two languages, and the users can choose which language they want to take the survey in. I think there is some browser language detection automation to determine which default language should display (is that correct???), but I do see the language selector which allows the user to manually choose their language.
I believe I have explored all of the ways to complete the translation process (both on screen, download/upload txt file, etc) and I cannot figure out how to offer a translated version of the "Next" or "Submit" button in the users' selected language! It seems I have to pick one language for the button text and hope the respondents can figure out what it says.
Am I missing something?

Did you publish the survey after adding the translations? If yes and still not seeing the dropdown for languages, you should contact support.
For Next/Back/Submit buttons, add a message to your library with translations for these buttons. Then in your survey settings for the buttons, select this message that includes the translations. It will then automatically pick up those translations for the buttons based on the language the respodnent is seeing.

Thank you Inessa - the only place I know to modify the buttons in is "Look/Feel general settings" and there is only one choice. I know how to add content to my library, but exactly what settings to I use to tell the survey to use 'Message A for button in Language A' and 'Message B for button in Language B'?

In Look & Feel / General, you should have a dropdown next to the button where you can selected the message from your library. That message will have been translated by you in the library already.

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