Hyperlink in Choice Text of Multiple Choice Question Not Working | XM Community
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The Rich Content Editor is available to add a hyperlink to the text of choices for the "Multiple Choice" question type, but it does not seem to work. I have set Format = "List" and Answer type = "Allow multiple answers", so please try to replicate this to let me know what I am doing wrong, or if this is a bug. Below is the HTML text that was generated for the choice linked to the anchor word "FreshWorks" (with a target = "New Window"), and the syntax looks correct:
https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/freshworks" target="_blank">FreshWorks
This does not work in either Edit mode or Preview mode. Oddly, I included the exact same "Freshworks" anchor word and hyperlink syntax in the related Multiple Choice question text (as opposed to one of the choices), and it worked in Edit mode but failed in Preview mode. I could understand why it might not work in Edit mode but instead work in Preview mode, but the reality was the exact opposite. This inconsistency seems like buggy behavior.
I also tried adding some non-hyperlinked text in the choice like I did in the question, but this did not help. I did not try to make any changes to the third and final "Advanced" tab of the hyperlink editor window for the advanced settings, so perhaps I need to change something on that.
What I really need is for the hyperlinks to work in the choices, though, since that will allow respondents to link to a unique information web page for each choice they are being asked about. This is a very critical feature for me. In fact, it is probably THE key feature holding me back from committing to this platform for my research.

I was able to get it to work. Make sure you check the source code within the rich content editor.

This is amazing! Thank you. However, I still can't replicate it on my end. I checked the HTML source code in the Rich Content Editor, which is exactly what I posted above. How is that syntax incorrect or need to be adjusted vs. what you have? Also, did you try it in Preview mode too and get it to work? Perhaps it is a Preview bug or limitation, since I haven't published mine yet. Finally, why does my multiple choice question look like the below picture in Preview mode, whereas yours has the checkboxes next to the text like in Design mode? I had the mobile view turned off, but that view has the same issue (hyperlink not working in the question or the choice) with the full rectangles and no checkboxes:

Most of that is just styling and theming which shouldn't matter too much. You could try different layouts in Theme settings. Mine is Flat, but I just tried all three and they worked in preview and published.

Were you able to replicate my "styling and theming" to show that it doesn't work for you? I couldn't change any styles or themes beyond adding one of four available background pictures, which obviously did nothing. Perhaps this is only an issue with the free version, in which case it would have been good to be warned of this somewhere to avoid wasting our time. Here is what I see on the "Look and Feel" section. It looks like Layout, General, Style, Motion, Logo, and Background are all dimmed out, and they cannot be selected or edited. Is this what you see too?:

OK, I think this hyperlinking issue is resolved, so thank you very much for your help. It definitely appears to be a licensing issue, where they have locked trial users out of the "Layout" functionality. Mine is locked only to "Classic" with rectangular buttons that change color upon selecting a button, whereas "Flat" and "Modern" both separate the bullet or check box click zone from the text area. My guess is that making the entire button the click area (like in the "Classic" layout) makes the button click always take precedent over the text click, since the text to activate the hyperlink is entirely inside the button area. That is why the hyperlink doesn't work in the Classic layout mode, which makes it very easy for me to work around this problem. I could only verify this by seeing this picture in the "Survey Theming" section of the help documentation, where the three different question layout options are visible:

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