I need to figure out a friendly way to share the results of my survey with the stake holders. | XM Community
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I created a survey that starts with asking the respondent to choose an institution form a list, which then triggers other questions with at least one additional list being triggered. At the end the respondent is asked if they have any other institutions to respond for, if they say no the survey ends, if they say yes they are linked back to the beginning. I am trying to figure out how to export this data or create a report that displays the results in a user friendly way. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Nancy  

Do you want the report to show the individual responses that were submitted by the respondent, or to summarize all responses received to date? If it's the former, look into Individual Response Reports in Email Tasks under Actions.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/37147#Comment_37147And if it is the later, try the Reports Tab
image.pngThere is a automatically generated Default Report with visualizations for all of your questions waiting for you. I would create new reports and use filters so that each of your institutions is filtered for. This would help you easily download and share simple aggregate reports.

This feature is somewhat simple and limited, but free for all survey platform users. If you want something more interactive ("user friendly") Qualtrics does offer add-ons with nicer dashboards, or you can export and use any method of manual report analysis or dashboarding you'd like.

Hi MatthewM - I am looking for a summary, but I need it by institution (1st question), not by respondent. Even if it's just a data dump that is easy to understand so I can manipulate the data to look right. In total there are ~247 questions in the survey, starting with which institution are you answering for, at which point you are directed to the appropriate questions for that institution. There is quite a bit of information carried forward through

Kate - is there a way to write an if/then statement for reporting? Such as, if they answered Loyola for question 1, show all responses, etc. I would need to do this for all institutions offered in question one?

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