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Can prior test-takers use an incognito window to open the survey multiple times even with "Prevent Multiple Submissions" on?
And if so, how can that be prevented?

How is your survey distributed?
Because if you're using the Email Distribution function each recipient would get a unique response ID and that would prevent them from re-taking the survey in incognito mode as the response ID is part of the survey string.
If not shared through an automated function I'm not so sure.
Hope this helps!

Thanks for your reply. Ultimately Mailchimp will send the invitation with the anonymous link. I (and others) are getting the problem just by copying the URL into the browser's private window.
Are you saying the Prevent Multiple Submissions feature doesn't work unless Qualtrics sends the email?

The anonymous doesn't prevent multiple submissions as per mentioned here
Anonymous LinkHowever the "Prevent multiple submissions' options works by adding a cookie into the survey page. This could be by-passed by using a different browser or clearing the cookies as mentioned here.
Security Survey OptionsBest scenario to prevent multiple submissions would be to send your survey with the Email distribution from Qualtrics directly to your Directory List. Unfortunately that wouldn't be possible through Mailchimp as every link would be unique.

Hi Vicloutier,
We must send the link via Mailchimp as they are integrated with GA4.
I don't have a problem with multiple submissions for pilot testing - just can't have that for actual survey.
What's the solution???

Depending on your type of survey, my personal take would be to add one or two mandatory unique fields in the survey (ex. student id, store code or invoice number) and clean out the duplicate or incorrect data afterwards. Not bulletproof as if the field is too broad (ex. name, email or phone number), we can all invent new ones.
Unfortunately the anonymous link doesn't provide with more options that I know of.

Hi Vicloutier,
Unfortunately because the survey is asking business owners questions about their marketing strategies we can't very well ask them to identify their company 🤔
Any other options for using the anonymous link and setting the Prevent Multiple Submissions while distributing through other than Qualtrics - such as Mailchimp?
"Unfortunately the anonymous link doesn't provide with more options that I know of" Would anyone in the company know how to solve this? Seems like a problem not just I would have identified for the first time🙄

I'm just a simple user of the community like we all are, I'm not from Qualtrics! I'll let other people answer if they have other ideas 🙂

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