Is there a limit to the number of time branch logic can be used in a single survey? | XM Community
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Has anyone run into a limit on the number of times branch logic can be used in a single survey?


The reason I ask is I’m wanting to condense a few surveys into one and worry that branching them by the URL might create issues after a certain number of times. 

I do not believe there’s any limits to the number of logic used within a survey.

Thank for the reply! 


I’ve run into routing issues when going past 84 branches, with each branch using distinct URLs for each branch logic set.

It only happens going past 84 branches, so it made me curious as to whether others had run into similar issues. 

You can try clearing your cache and cookies and try again… Might be a browser issue as Qualtrics does not have any such limitations

I’ll give that a try, thank you. 

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