Issue with Importing CSV | XM Community
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Issue with Importing CSV

  • August 23, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Qualtrics Community,
I was looking to import a CSV into Qualtrics (mostly to create crosstabs and perform analysis). I created a empty survey, then went to 'Data and Analysis' to import the csv data. The problem I encounter is the 'field' column does not populate with the question (header). It only populates it with 'Ignore Column'. The column is just text, not a formula (nor is it bucketed) Pictured here:
answer.PNGThe question doesn't show up in the dropdown either, just a default 'Q1 - Click to write the question text'.:
answ3.PNGIdeally, I would like the data to load in like this (where I can select the appropriate question) picture source:
answer2.PNGPlease let me know if I should format my csv differently.

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Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 406 replies
  • August 23, 2022

Hi, when you say you created a blank survey for this purpose, did you create an empty copy of the actual survey, or just create a survey with no questions in it? The import process will not import questions, it will only import data TO questions, so I wanted to confirm the actual process in case I was missing something.

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