Likert Scale and Branch | XM Community
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Likert Scale and Branch

  • March 14, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, I wonder the following survey logic is possible.

In a 7 points Likert scale question;
if participants select over 4 point (e.g., 5,6,7), they will be branched to "block 1" or "2" randomly and evenly,
else if participants select under 4point (e.g., 1,2,3), they will be branched to "block 3" or "4" randomly and evenly.

1 reply

Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1449 replies
  • March 14, 2021

You can use two different scoring category and score the scale points accordingly. Read the score in an emebedded data and use this embedded data in brnach logic to respective randomizer containing respective blocks.

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