Loop and Merge Data Export in multiple rows | XM Community
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Loop and Merge allows you to present a repeated set of questions to the same respondent, the number of sets being determined by an earlier question/variable.
The standard export generates one data row per respondent with each repeated question set as additional columns.
I want to have one data row per question set with all the other survey questions (e.g. demographics) duplicated, so if someone answered 10 question sets, there would be 10 rows of data and if they answered just one question set, there would be just 1 data row.
Can anyone help please?

There isn't a way to do this within Qualtrics.
You could use some other tool to do it using a data export file. Another alternative would be to create a web web service to save the loops to individual database records on-the-fly.

Thanks for the reply Tom, I suspected as much - I'm looking at relational database first as I don't really want to manually move any data!

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