Loop & Save? Household survey with multiple saved records | XM Community
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My application is doing a survey of everyone in a household where I want the answers to some common core questions (e.g., What region of the country is this?  Is this a house, apartment, or communal residence?  What year was the building built?,  Date of the survey?) plus the answers to questions unique to each household member (e.g., what’s your age?  For whom do you plan to vote? etc.) where I don’t want to do a Loop & Merge into one very long record, but a record stored for each household member that combines the answers to the core questions along with the answers to the member-specific questions.

The number of household members will, as you’d expect, vary from household to household.

What’s the most elegant solution to make this happen that doesn’t require someone to re-enter the core questions for each household member?

First, easiest solution would be, you can ask whether someone in your household took the survey or not, based on this answer you can ask the rest of the questions.


Second, if you have any specific id for each household, use this as embedded data to check did someone answer all these questions. 

Or, create a uniqueid for each household.

I think I found a way to solve my problem.

I changed the end-of-survey step to instead redirect the user to the survey’s URL with query values of the embedded fields of interest of values to the core questions.

It seems to work, so life is good.

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