merge data from different questionires | XM Community
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merge data from different questionires

  • 22 March 2021
  • 1 reply

I have made an experiment with 3 time points (T1,T2,T3). In each time point my subject gets different questions in a different Qualtrics project.
Can I merge the answers into 1 large database or excel file? The participance have the same name in all 3 time points.
I can do it manually but I want do know if there is other ways.
Thank you

yoniyoni Assuming that the participants' names are identical in each trial, you can merge the responses together in a spreadsheet using the VLOOKUP or FILTER functions. Export the responses from Qualtrics as a CSV and add the CSV to different tabs of the same spreadsheet. Create a new tab and add all of the participants in column A.
From there, you can enter the function in column B. If you set this up in a Google Sheet and insert the link, I can help you through the process.

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