Multiple choice - drop-down (Styling Help) 🙏🏻 | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

If possible I am after some help styling a multiple choice, drop-down question.

This is what it currently looks like.

Ideally I would like it to appear like the below, helping ensure design consistency with other questions.

As always, thanks for the help!




Please paste the following js code in your question 

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .ChoiceStructure.Selection").css({"width":"100%"});


Select your question,  in bottom of your left pane you can see Javascript and the paste the code as in the image below 


Thanks for your help ​@jbk 💪

This has made the answer box wider, but it’s still a little short.

And how can I get the background white, and fatter like the image below. And change the colour of the selected text once the answer box is filled.

And for bonus points, move the drop down arrow in and make it a little more prominent.

Thanks 🙂 🚀


Is Q15 a multi-select? How was it styled?

Thanks ​@TomG 

Q15. is just a mock-up I made and my goal for Q17.

Thanks :) 


Try adding this to Custom CSS:

.Skin select {
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
.Skin select.ChoiceStructure.Selection {
background-color: #fff;



Thanks, I got the white, but the width is the same.


Thanks, I got the white, but the width is the same.

You’ll need to post a link. Otherwise, it is a guessing game.

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