Problem with using randomizer in combination with branches (for a within subjects design) | XM Community
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I am setting up an experiment with 2 conditions that each participant needs to go though. The order of these conditions needs to be randomised for each participant.
I have separate instruction blocks for each condition and then separate blocks for the actual tasks (these blocks use a loop and I don't want the instruction to be repeated for each loop, hence the separate blocks). For now I put both the instruction blocks in a randomiser and put the branches that will then guide the participants to the appropriate tasks outside of the randomiser (to avoid randomisation of my branches as well).
However, after they have finished one of these randomised conditions, I actually want the participants to be shown the instruction block of the condition that they haven't done yet, after which they will be branched to that condition's tasks as well. I can't just have the randomiser present both the instruction blocks, as these will then both be shown before participants are branched to their actual tasks.
I've attached a screenshot of the current part of my flow.
How would I alter my flow so that it first shows one instruction block randomly, followed by the appropriate tasks, and then the other instruciton block, which is then also followed by the right task's block?
Thanks in advance!
Schermafbeelding 2021-03-24 om 15.05.54.png

juwort Put an embedded data field in your Randomizer and then change your branches so that they are triggered on the value of your embedded data field. There should be two branches that contain the order of the blocks for the condition chosen by the randomizer. You will repeat all blocks in both branches but users will only fit into one condition so they will only see each block once.

thanks for the response. I ended up using groups and randomising those. Seems to work as well!

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