Providing scoring at the end of a survey | XM Community
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Providing scoring at the end of a survey

  • March 12, 2025
  • 1 reply

For the scoring we need a score out of 4 to appear in our debrief. Our responses are recorded on a slider question type within a loop and merge. They answer this question for four trials


In target present trials (Condition Type 1), there are six options - all different variables. The decision is correct (gets a score of 1) if the maximum response out of six = the response to the target. Any other decision gets 0. 


In type 1 conditions, they are correct if the target gets a rating of 51 and above. Regardless of what others get.

In target 2 requirements, they are incorrect if the innocent suspect gets a score of more than 51. Anything else is correct.

Above 51+ = Identifier, 50- = Rejector


Condition Type 1 requirements 


3 steps

  1. So we need the coding to calculate the maximum confidence value from six responses first.
    1. COMPUTE X = MAX(A, B, C, D, E, F)
  2. Then determine if target confidence = the maximum.
  1. COMPUTE Y = X-B.
  2. Compute Qualtrics to recognise which out of A,B, C, D, E, F is the target

COMPUTE Y = X-E. (when E is the target)


  1. Then if Y = 0, then the decision is correct. This coding line basically states that if Y = 0, then TP1 our first TP variable, gets a value of 1 for correct. Any other decision it gets 0.
  1. RECODE Y (0=1) (ELSE=0) INTO TP1


Condition Type 2 requirements 

3 steps


  1. We again need the coding to calculate the maximum confidence value from six responses first.
    1. COMPUTE X = MAX(A, B, C, D, E, F)
  2. Then it needs to decide if that value is 50 or above.
  1. COMPUTE Y = X-50.
  1. Then we code as correct or not. If Y is equal or higher than I then the decision was incorrect. If lower than -1 then it was correct,
  1. RECODE Y (0=0) (>=1 = 0) (=<1 = 1) INTO TA1


  1. We need a total to be calculated from the four values calculated earlier TP1 + TP2 + TP3 + TP4


How do we code this into Qualtrics?


1 reply

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • March 13, 2025

For the max operation  and choosing the max, one simple way would be to put each of the questions in their own block and use branch logic after to check whether the new score is higher than current.

Everyhing else can be done via Math operations



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