For the scoring we need a score out of 4 to appear in our debrief. Our responses are recorded on a slider question type within a loop and merge. They answer this question for four trials
In target present trials (Condition Type 1), there are six options - all different variables. The decision is correct (gets a score of 1) if the maximum response out of six = the response to the target. Any other decision gets 0.
In type 1 conditions, they are correct if the target gets a rating of 51 and above. Regardless of what others get.
In target 2 requirements, they are incorrect if the innocent suspect gets a score of more than 51. Anything else is correct.
Above 51+ = Identifier, 50- = Rejector
Condition Type 1 requirements
3 steps
- So we need the coding to calculate the maximum confidence value from six responses first.
- COMPUTE X = MAX(A, B, C, D, E, F)
- Then determine if target confidence = the maximum.
- Compute Qualtrics to recognise which out of A,B, C, D, E, F is the target
COMPUTE Y = X-E. (when E is the target)
- Then if Y = 0, then the decision is correct. This coding line basically states that if Y = 0, then TP1 our first TP variable, gets a value of 1 for correct. Any other decision it gets 0.
- RECODE Y (0=1) (ELSE=0) INTO TP1
Condition Type 2 requirements
3 steps
- We again need the coding to calculate the maximum confidence value from six responses first.
- COMPUTE X = MAX(A, B, C, D, E, F)
- Then it needs to decide if that value is 50 or above.
- COMPUTE Y = X-50.
- Then we code as correct or not. If Y is equal or higher than I then the decision was incorrect. If lower than -1 then it was correct,
- RECODE Y (0=0) (>=1 = 0) (=<1 = 1) INTO TA1
- We need a total to be calculated from the four values calculated earlier TP1 + TP2 + TP3 + TP4
How do we code this into Qualtrics?