Question Export Tags for Slider Questions | XM Community
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I am preparing a survey in Qualtrics for my collaborators and I wanted to automate some features of the survey, for instance when they download the data, the questions in SPSS would have a name I have pre-specified in Qualtrics. I know this can be done for some questions, where I go to "Recode values" in Question Behaviour, and then "Question Export Tags". But then majority of my questions are sliders, they look like this:
Screenshot 2022-04-04 at 16.26.07.pngbut there is no "Recode Values" option in Question Behaviour section. Does anyone know how can I do this? Thank you!

Hi there, while the slider values/statements do not have Recode Values available, you might be able to make use of Creating a Custom Field or Embedded Data Field. I'd recommend checking out the solutions proposed by lizb311 in the below thread:

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