Randomization within blocks | XM Community
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Randomization within blocks


Hi everyone,
a noobie here. Will try to break down what I am doing

I have 4 blocks for my survey that I need to randomise blocks, so that each of them gets distributed around equally.
Within the blocks I have a part that I would like to have randomized and a part that I would like to keep stationary, all with page breaks.
If I try to randomize the first section of the block, I lose the page breaks, and the entire survey ends up being on one page. If I break everything into blocks, well then I am having a problem in distributing the entire blocks to people equally.
My question being, is there a way for me to randomize one part of the block, and also, by doing so, keep my page breaks?
Thank you for your answers!

Best answer by TomG

For block question randomization use advanced randomization and set the number of questions per page to 1 instead of using page breaks.

View original

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • March 22, 2022

bubipepe can you explain the issue you run into when when you "break everything into blocks", you state that you have a "problem in distributing the entire blocks to people equally".

I am not sure I follow. As if you 4 blocks now, and then you break them in half to create 8 blocks. You would put all 8 blocks into a randomizer using survey flow, and tick the "evenly present elements". You can then choose if you want participants to view all 8 or only a subset by entering this number into the randomizer.


Hi wpm24,
thank you for your answer.
I think I might have poorly worded my case.
Initially I tried creating 4 blocks (which need to be evenly present elements, being that I want to have someone getting a different block everytime). Within the block I would be having 3 ads, which I would like to have presented as first, as well randomized. After that I would be having multiple follow up question, in a distinct order. Furthermore, questions/ads, all need to be on a separate page, meaning there need to be page breaks. I tried doing this in the advanced randomization in block behaviour. Now the issue is that everything suddenly ends up clustered on one page, meaning the page breaks dissapear, when the advanced randomization is activated.
I am curious if there is a way to achieve the aforementioned, where one part of the "block" is randomized, yet still stationary within the first 3 questions/exposures to the surveyee, and then the following remainder just laid out in a distinct order, without any sort of randomization, while we would be keeping the randomization of these four blocks, as in evenly present elements.
If I try to break it into multiple block (as you said into 8 blocks), then I have an issue that I don't know how to match up the randomized ads, with the questions, yet keep the randomization (as it was still 4 blocks, and each person would be getting a different block exposure=.
I also tried drawing out what I would need to get, since I feel that I am having a bit of a difficult time actually verbalizing what it is that I am going for.
Please let me know if you would be able to somehow help me, and if you would be needing any further explanation. Also, a big thank you for being willing to help out!

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • March 22, 2022

For block question randomization use advanced randomization and set the number of questions per page to 1 instead of using page breaks.


Hi TomG,
this has done the thing! I have just one small follow up. What do I do if I want to have one question per page except for one page? All as described before, but I want to have one page that would be having 2 questions on it?
Thank you, and really appreciate the fact that you are willing to help out!


Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • March 22, 2022

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/44794#Comment_44794Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to do this. Here is what you could do:

  • Set questions per page to 2

  • Add text/graphic questions as placeholders and hide them with JS

  • Adjust your advanced randomization accordingly (the hidden questions would not be randomized)


Thank you for your help!
Wish you a pleasent remainder of your day 😃!

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