Recode values on Slider Qs | XM Community
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I don’t have access to the recode value option for slider question.


I need to reverse code the values from strong disagree to strong disagree (where the back-end values are 5 to 0 as opposed to the 0 to 5 reflected on the front-end of the questionnaire), for some of my questions that require this reverse coding. 


Is there a simple approach to do this? 


Hey ​@evo5255 
You can use embedded data and branch logics to manually assign a value to each score in the slider (and it will be assinged after the question is answered and response is recorded). then you can use this embedded data for data analysis instead of recode values.
If you just want it just for the dashboard purpose then you can skip the above step and modify dashboard recode values.

Please check this.


You can set the slider to go from -5 to 0, then create embedded data fields with the absolute values:

 sliderVal1 = $e{ abs( q://QID1/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/1 ) }

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