Reporting received responses vs expected responses | XM Community
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Hello all,
I am working on a survey with 150 multiple choice questions for a research project and I am trying to find a way to export the data so that it will tell me what the participant chose and what the expected answers for that question were. As an example let's say I have a multiple choice question with possible answers A, B, C, D, and E and I expect the participants to choose either A or B. If three participants each respectively choose answers A, C, and E I would like to be able to export the data in a way where I can see in the data that only the first participant chose an expected answer and the other two did not. Currently, I can only get qualtrics to output the received responses without any indication of whether it was one of the expected responses or not. The idea is similar to have qualtrics report if a test taker answered a question correctly or not, which I also have not been able to get to work. Thank you for your time and assistance.


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