Send a unique link to a second survey after participants complete an initial survey | XM Community
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Send a unique link to a second survey after participants complete an initial survey



I want my participants to complete two surveys - one before they watch a film (pre-film), and one after they watch a film (post-film). But, I don’t want them to see the post-film survey until after the film. I also need to be able to link their pre-film and post-film responses.


Currently I have my study set up as follows:

  • a pre-film questionnaire where participants are assigned a 5-digit unique, random ID that we ask them to write down. Participants access this through QR codes we have printed on flyers throughout the film screening venue
  • a post-film questionnaire where participants need to enter the 5-digit ID before they begin the questionnaire. Again, they access this through QR codes throughout the venue


What I’m wondering is, can I use workflows to automate this, removing the need for participants to write down and correctly enter the unique ID? So, they complete the pre-film qre and submit it, which triggers Qualtrics to send them a link to the post-film questionnaire (ideally this would be timed to arrive after the 90minute film finishes). And I assume, if this is possible, there would be an embedded data field that would somehow allow me to match pre and post-film questionnaire responses.


Thanks in advance,


4 replies

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 70 replies
  • May 8, 2023

I don't think it will be possible to populate unique ID by QR, but you have to use authenticator and contact list trigger to achieve this 

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 328 replies
  • May 8, 2023

Good morning from a sunny Sweden!

If you set up the first survey so that an auto generated random number happens upon survey submission, and the responder enters his/her email in the survey. Then you can set up a workflow email to include this number automatically for a second survey, but in email form and not a new QR.

You could set the workflow email to fire off X hours after the first survey was submitted so that you are assured they see the film first.

You would set this up as a longitudinal survey setup. See more here. You will not need the authenticator part though. 


All the best


Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 137 replies
  • May 8, 2023

Are you using individual links or anonymous links?

If you’re using individual links, then in terms of linking, could you put both the pre and post surveys in the same Qualtrics survey? So, when they complete the pre film element, they reach a screen, which says something along the lines of: Once you’ve watched the film, please enter the 5 digit code on this screen to continue.

That way you don’t need to send them a second survey and the data is linked.

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 9 replies
  • May 8, 2023


you can definitely do this, and you don’t need the QR codes for the 5 digit codes.

You can use a contact (directory) list to capture their Response ID (a unique code).  When they finish the first survey, send them the follow on link 90 minutes later with the ResponseID in the URL.  You can show them all of their initial responses if you like.  Ask them the new questions.  Even if you don’t show them their responses to Survey #1, you can port those in using the Contact List, so that your second survey has ALL of the data (first and second surveys) in one place.  

I’ve done this a lot, and it’s not hard.  You can do it via Workflow.

The Workflow allows you to combine responses from totally different forms...but you'll need a common field (unique field). Qualtrics only allows two options for linking to a Contact List - either email or External Data Reference. Email rarely will work for workflow since users in your process may need to create more than one artifact (application, review, approval, etc.). So the External Data Reference is usually better. Since you need a unique value, using the Response ID from the first form in your workflow is a good choice. You can then pass that value to each form in turn through trigger emails so that consequent forms will update the same record in the Workflow (Contact List).

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