Submitting responses before the final page? | XM Community
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I have my survey set up and ready to go, but because I'm a Psychology student, it's important that after taking part in a study, participants receive a Debrief sheet, which is just additional information about the survey they've taken part in. When using Qualtrics, this goes on the last page of the survey, and then participants record their responses using the button on that page.
The problem a lot of my peers have had, though, is people see the debrief sheet and think they're done with the survey and close it, so their responses don't get recorded! Is there any way I can allow participants to submit responses after the last set of questions on the 2nd last page, and then present them with the Debrief sheet?
At present, all I could do is put a notice at the top of the last page saying 'Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to record your responses' and then labelled the button to say 'Press here to record your responses' but I'm worried people still miss it cause I know from participating in surveys myself that your attention span tends to wither a little after a while...

Thank you in advance.

Will your debrief fit in a custom end-of-survey message? These are displayed after the responses have been submitted. tried and it doesn't fit 😓 I did hope that would be an option.

You could also have it record incomplete responses in the Survey Options. The default is to record after a week, but you can change it to one hour. It will take a little more cleaning to determine who simply didn't click the last submit button vs. those who decided they didn't want to finish, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

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