Syncing question text back to Salesforce? | XM Community
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Hello and good afternoon from a snowy Sweden!

Is there a way for me to capture the question text from a survey and sync it back to a field in Salesforce? 

I would like to show the question text and then the survey response next to it so it’s independent on the survey question changing in the future. 


Thanks in advance


Good morning from a cold but sunny Sweden!'

Anyone know if this can be done, now that we are in 2024 and all? :)


Thanks in advance


Hi @MattiasM ,

The simplest route would be to pass back the single response report link to SF, but if you need a custom SF object containing the questions text, I think you’d have to create fields for both your questions and your answers and then fill them with the appropriate piped in text in your mapping.

Question: ${q://QID1/QuestionText}
Answer: ${q://QID1/SelectedChoicesRecode}


Hi @MattiasM ,

The simplest route would be to pass back the single response report link to SF, but if you need a custom SF object containing the questions text, I think you’d have to create fields for both your questions and your answers and then fill them with the appropriate piped in text in your mapping.

Question: ${q://QID1/QuestionText}
Answer: ${q://QID1/SelectedChoicesRecode}


Thanks for this @vgayraud - I’ll test it out in the coming week and let you know if I get it to work :) 

Thanks again!


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