Trouble setting up e-mail triggers | XM Community
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I'm trying to set up e-mail triggers to re-send the survey link to my participants a week after they've completed a portion of it. At the start of the survey my participants fill out a question asking for their e-mail adress. I'm trying to set up the e-mail triggers so that these e-mail adresses are automatically used by qualtrics so that i dont have to manually add every e-mail adress. 

So far i've tried two ways: 

  • setting up e-mail triggers
  • setting it up as a workflow

I'm pretty sure my conditions are set up correctly, I think qualtrics just has trouble finding the e-mail adresses that my participants filled out? I'll add screenshots so maybe one of you can figure out what i'm doing wrong


Thanks in advance for your help!


I think the “from address” in the workflow may be wrong. Try


What do you mean by “re-send the survey link to my participants a week after they've completed a portion of it”? Maybe I’m wrong, but it gives me the impression that your surveys are not actually completed. Email triggers and workflows based on survey responses won’t trigger on incompletes.


The workflow and email triggers work only on “Recorded Responses” for any in-progress response you cant actually use it.


There is one manual way, where you can download the data for in-progress data to get the email address of users (as I can see it is asked in the survey). Create a contact list and send an invite via Qualtrics. IT will be then helpful in tracking as well, you can also send reminders with this setup.


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