Anonymous Link - You Have Already Completed Message | XM Community
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I sent out a link via email, the work internal social media site and whatsapp.

After a couple of days the 'You Have Already Completed This Survey' message appears.

I have checked and the stuff ballot boxes option is switched off so am stuck on what to do?

Are you sending the survey via individual links? Or single anonymous URL?

I was puzzled by this once. I had sent my survey via individual links and intended to keep the survey open for 2 weeks. However, in the event a customer started the survey and did not complete it, I had it set to record the response after just 1 week. Meaning those trying to finish up often got the same error.

If the anonymous link perhaps you accidentally set your survey close at a date in the past.

FYI- Right now, using your link, I don't even get that error. I get an error whereby it has tried to unsuccessfully redirect to another URL.

Have you tried clearing the cache or opening the link in a private/incognito window?

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