Built-In Completeness Score | XM Community
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We use surveys to collect information from required from our survey base. Some times, though rarely, they will not have enough information to answer a question, so no forced answers are used. As an alternative to coding in a 'does not apply' or 'unknown' to every question, it would be nice if Qualtrics computed a % response for each 'complete' survey.

It would also be great to be able to disambiguate conditional question-skips from voluntary no answer-given skips (both show up as -99 in the exported data).

This sounds more like a feature request than a question. Have you submitted it?
Re: Conditional Question skips vs voluntary no answer: You can control that. When you export the data, expand More Options, then change the Recode Seen but unanswered questions as to something other than -99.

If you do that, you might find you're able to compute the "% Response for each complete survey" accurately at that point.
@Matt_Christie_Walker :Thanks! I didn't realize the -99 was modifiable

Testing the display logic it looks like display logic -skipped questions actually are exported as nulls anyway

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