Can I pipe selected choices from a single-choice/dropdown list within a side-by-side question? | XM Community
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I am setting up a Contact List Trigger and need to pipe text from multiple questions in my survey. I have a side-by-side question with several columns, including a column with a dropdown list. I would like to create a field in my Contact list that pipes the selected choice from this dropdown list. It seems I can pipe the selected choice recode value, but not the text choice. I really need the text choice - am I missing something? Or is there a work-around?

Thanks for any help!
It should be an option... ...


That's what I would have thought too, @Akdashboard . However, when I pipe the answers in to my next survey, it comes out as a string of numbers. I'll post my side-by-side question, my selected option, and the results below.


1. Original side-by-side


2. Piped text option


3. Resulting text
@ccook - It looks like you are selecting the inverse of what you want.

If you look at SPC1name, you have it set to 1: - First Last, and if you look at SPC1loc, you have it set to 1: - city/town. However if you look at SPC1locc, you have it set to Professional Designation - 1: (backwards from the way the other 2 are set).

Is there a "1: - Professional Designation" option in your piped text?

Do you mind posting the .qsf file and I will take a look?
@Akdashboard , what you're saying makes sense! I don't see the option you mention though, which was along the lines of what I was looking for.

Attached is the .qsf.
@ccook - Everything you have is correct. I even tested the selection separately and it is piping the correct value for me. This might be a technical bug with your your survey and Quatlrics support may need to look in to it further.

As a work around, try creating an embedded data value in the survey flow and piping that value in to your contact list trigger instead of from the question.
Thanks @Akdashboard, that's very helpful to know. Will try work-around for now.

Much appreciated!

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