Can you use logic to determine number of statements in a matrix table? | XM Community
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I'm creating a question in which I ask respondents to give me a numeric response to a question (How many [x] do you have?). Based on the number they select, I'd like to populate that same number of statements in a matrix table where the respondent can provide further detail about each individual [x].

I've yet to figure out a way to do this. My workaround currently is that if a user selects 1-5 for [x], they'll see a matrix with up to 5 statements. If they select 6-10 for [x], they'll see a matrix with up to 10 statements...

Hopefully that makes sense. If anyone has any insight that would be great!
If you are setting a limit in the first question this should be programmable. I would think there is javascript involved if you want the first number to be infinite. But say you use a text box for the first question (Q1) and let them enter 0-10 as a valid range.

Then for your matrix question you would do the following:

1. Question display logic -> Q1 > 0

2. Row logic

Row 1 -> display logic Q1 >= 1

Row 2 -> display logic Q1 >=2


Row 9 -> display logic Q1 >=9

Row 10 -> display logic Q1=10
The first question would just be selecting a single number within a range of 0-20, so infinite is not necessary.

How would you define >= using qualtrics logic? The only explicit options in there that I can see are if/when a choice is selected/not selected or displayed/not displayed
Here's a good article in Qualtrics help that can explain more concisely and clearly.

I would set up your first question as a a Text Entry type and use the right hand menu to add the following validations:

* Force Response

* Content Validation

* Content Type = Number

* Numeric format -> Minimum = 0, Maximum = 0, Max Decimals =0

Then your matrix table would have 20 rows. You would add the question display logic (#1 in the link) and row display logic (section #2 in the link) as I had described in my first answer.
@jfedder88 if you want to keep this is a select list, then your row display logic gets bigger:

Row 1: when 1 is selected

Row 2: when 1 is selected + OR when 2 is selected

Row 3: when 1 is selected + OR when 2 is selected + OR when 3 is selected....

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