Change in footer post making the survey live | XM Community
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I have created a survey and have collected 20 responses so far. I want to attach a link of a report (made by me) in the footer as an incentive to respondents which will get me more responses. When I click on my survey I get the message: This survey is currently LOCKED to prevent invalidation of collected responses! Please unlock your survey to make changes.

If I change the footer now, will that affect the validity of previous responses? How do I prevent this?
That message is to warn you about making changes to survey questions that could impact the response data. Changing the footer won't have any impact on the response data.
Hi @HarshaliD! @TomG is absolutely correct, but if you ever want to know what else you can and can not edit on an active survey, you can always check out this support page.
Thank you 🙂
If the report has data from the survey in it, being able to view it as more people are filling out the survey may influence how they respond (think even more pressure to pick the response that fits you in with the majority). If it's unrelated to your questions then it's fine to have in as a footer. You may consider telling them in the invite that they will get access to your report after completing the survey and rather than adding the link to your survey footer putting it in a custom end of survey message.

Or if you have their email, you can send the link them in a trigger email at the end of the survey.

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