Complicated survey flow issue... | XM Community
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I'm building a survey for my master's thesis, and while the survey flow feature seems great, I'm struggling to get it to work properly for my project, and I was hoping for some guidance.

My first two blocks are to be shown to all participants--a consent form and a space for them to put in a participant number they'll receive through an external site. From there, I want to use a randomizer to assign them to one of three conditions, each of which involves multiple questions blocks that include questions that can trigger dismissal from the study. For example, in one condition, participants will see a short video, and, to ensure that they've watched it entirely, I'll ask a question about some of its content. If they get that question wrong, I want them taken to an exit page, but otherwise, I want them taken to another block, with another video and another question. Again, if they get that question wrong, I want them taken to an exit page. Finally, I want the remaining participants taken to a block with a variety of questions about the latter video--the real information I'm getting at in the study. After that, I want those participants to view a debriefing page. The remaining two conditions are much the same, though some of the information participants see will differ.

My problem is that when I preview the survey, the randomizer seems to be grabbing from boxes within each of my conditions to show participants, rather than guiding them down one condition "tree" then leaving them on it. The survey flow also seems to occasionally go directly from the consent form and participant number blocks to the exit page, which is obviously a major problem. I know I'm probably missing something straightforward, but nothing I try seems to help. Any advice would be appreciated!
Hi @lcrisman ,

Is it possible for you to share screen shots of your Survey Flow? That would make it easier to troubleshoot.
Sure--they're attached. Sorry it's long/stretched out across multiple images, but it's the best I could do, even with the screen size reduced.




I can't seem to read them, even when I enlarge my browser. Can you try attaching the image files (or pasting them all into a Word doc) using this icon?

Sure! They still might be too slow, but it's worth a shot. If not, I could also share the survey by adding in your email address, if you'd be willing to look at it that way. I'm just sort of desperate to get this working--I'm only putting this online in the first place because of COVID, and it's basically my only shot at graduating on time 😶 Thanks again!
(The above are in the wrong order--sorry about that!)
Use "Groups" to combine all the blocks of each condition and then put this groups under randomizer. Move Randomizer out of "No is selected" branch logic
I agree with @rondev ; start with those suggestions and see how it works.
Hi @lcrisman ! If you have not yet already, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to handle an issue like this!

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