CSV Issues | XM Community
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I have a problem that nobody seems to be able to help me with at Qualtrics because they just run me through the same steps over and over again. I have literally tried every recommendation for uploading csv files but they always get stuck on "loading file preview". For this particular example, I am trying to upload a drill down question, but It won't work. I have switched browsers, the file size is small, I have checked the UTF encoding, I have done things where I download into Google Docs and then do not open it. I cannot get this to work!!!!! Any help would be appreciated.
Have you opened the CSV in a text reader and examined the text? Saving from Excel, for instance, sometimes creates a malformed CSV. You should also check to be sure the delimiter

or enclosure is not found in your question text [no " double or single ' quotes]. Sometimes you need to use the pipe | to be sure delimiters are not causing grief. Also try only uploading one row of data carefully created, if that succeeds then you have an error in your other rows.
Is the file you are trying to upload closed? I had trouble with long load times and the preview not generating. Then I realized I still had the .csv open on my machine. Once I closed it, the load went much faster.
@over3520 let us know that he was able to work through this with support, and found that the issue was device-specific. Using a different device resolved the issue!
You can also delete all blank columns and all blank rows and resave and reupload.
I think this was solely a Mac issue. I can get uploads to work fine on a PC and not my Mac. Others using a Mac don't have this issue. I must have some setting or something like that specific to my Mac that creates this problem. In fact, when I tried to upload a profile pic on this community, it wouldn't let me do it on my Mac. I do not have upload issues with other programs. There must be something specific to the qualtrics platform that causes this for me.

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