Custom Validation for Rank Order Question | XM Community
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I would like to create custom validation for a rank order question. The rank order question presents a list of nine items. Respondents must give a ranking to all nine items on the list. One and only one of the items must be ranked number 1. However, ties (i.e., indifferences) are allowed below that. For example, after identifying their first choice, a respondent can rank two items as second choice, two items as third choice, three items as fourth choice, etc.

I do not know how to create custom validation to allow for this type of ranking scenario. It would be so much easier to just create a strict ranking, but I've been instructed to allow for indifferences after the first choice.

I was thinking that perhaps a pick/group/rank question might allow for this, but a simple rank order question with the custom validation doing the tough work of enforcing the constraints would be so much cleaner for the respondents.

I would appreciate any ideas you might have or guidance you can provide about how to create such a custom validation.

Thank you!
Better you create open ended question where respondent input ranks 1 to 9, rather than drag drop. Apply validation for 1 only that if 1 appear more than once it show error. And write statement in question text, like "please rank in order from 1 to 9, rank one can be assigned only once"
The pick/group/rank question will always have a unique ranking.

The other way to achieve the requirement is to create a matrix question with 9 statements (items) and single column (numeric). The range should be 1 to 9.

In custom validation, you can check if more than one statement is ranked 1 then show error message...also, if none of the statement is ranked 1 then show error.

I hope the rest statements can be ranked anything (i.e. doesn't require to be ranked sequentially)
Thank you so much for the advice. The matrix option might be the best route for me.

The rest of the statements can be ranked anything, provided that all rankings given are in sequential order. So, for example, the respondent can rank one item #1, and the rest of the items #2, but they cannot rank the rest of the items #9. Rankings given must not skip any numbers. So ranking one item #1, two items #2, and the remaining items #4 is not valid. They would have to ranking the remaining items #3. I hope this makes sense...

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