Custom Validation on Side-by-Side | XM Community
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Hi all,

I'm trying to apply custom validation to the below side-by-side table so that for each row, the option selected in column one cannot be the same as column two. (i.e. the primary and secondary artform cannot be the same)


I would have thought this was fairly straightforward, so have created the below custom validation using ${q://QID61%232/SelectedAnswerRecode/1} as the reference value for "does not equal", adjusting the last number for each row.


However, this correctly validates the top row, but none of the others.

I've scoured the validation for any obvious errors that I know of. I'm wondering if the reference values i'm using are incorrect?

How would you all go about this?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Many thanks!
I had a similar problem to this and I think I came to the conclusion that side-by-sides validate by column. I could be wrong or I could have been doing it wrong to begin with but I ended up having to code my own validation in JavaScript.

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