Deleted responses; stored differently for Vocalize? | XM Community
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So I was doing some testing of a query string and a redirect to a second survey (long story, but it's how I can re-shape data for dashboarding). One thing I notice frequently is that if I delete a response from my data and analysis for my survey, it often continues to display in my dashboards. Anyone else ever experience that or have any suggestions for how to get rid of it?
Hey @raperm! We saw that you reached out to our Support team regarding this inquiry.

Our specialist discovered that multiple surveys were mapping to one of your fields, which caused it to pull in every potential value. The recommendation was to check all other surveys that were mapped for that value. Once it was removed from all the surveys, it no longer displayed in vocalize!
Hi @raperm

I would love to hear what Support had to say! I'm seeing a discrepancy between my raw data and the data in Vocalize and I'm wondering if it's something to do with deleted responses as it's only a handful but it's enough to throw things off. All of my filters and dates are the same but I continue to have extras or missing ones here or there.



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