Deleting a Translated Survey | XM Community
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I used the built-in Google-generated translator to translate a survey, but now I would like to get rid of that translated survey. I don't see that option anywhere though. When I go to Translation Overview, it only shows that I can upload/download the translation or add another language.

Sorry if it's silly but I literally clicked everywhere and searched the forums for translated survey support, but I dont see any posts that explain this to me.

Hello @Yvonne1001 ,

If you want to remove the translation, then just uncheck the language checkbox from "Edit languages....." option and then click delete translation.
Hi @Shashi

Aha! That's a little embarrassing...Thank you so much! 😶
Is it possible to delete a language from an active survey? I am looking for the language checkbox and am not finding it. A colleague who is a native Russian speaker alerted us to the poor translation offered by Google translate and we want to remove it. --> Translate Survey --> Translation Overview (on the right-hand side) --> Add Language (in the center). In there, you can deselect and delete languages.


I am having the same trouble. Apparently, I cannot de-select the language and cannot cancel the named translation. How can I do that? 

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