Do I need to have a specific upgrade on my account to add a video to my end och survey message? | XM Community
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Do I need to have a specific upgrade on my account to add a video to my end och survey message?

When I link my youtube video in the end of survey message it doesn't appear for the visitors, does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

And another question: Can you make the End of survey message in a seperate URL than the survey?
It would be easier to help if you posted the actual source code of what you tried for your End of Survey message.

As for your latter question, yes. You can redirect to a URL. Add an End of Survey element to the end of your Survey Flow and then Customize it by redirecting to a URL.
Hey @jonas17! Adding a video to your survey will require the 'Allow HTML markup' permission, as well as the 'Allow JavaScript' permission. Since you have a free trial account without these permissions, the alternative solution that @mattyb513 gave you sounds great!

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