embedded data is not showing up in Crosstab dialogue | XM Community
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Hi -- I am pulling my hair out trying to set up a simple set of examples for students using Qualtrics. All is good except for analysis. I have them recoding data into a new field (clumsy but it works) but - frustration - the field does not show up in the crosstab as a selectable field. The whole option to select embedded data does not show on the interface. The field is a numeric, very simple. It seems to show up in all the places where it should, except for this. What am I doing wrong? Any help greatly appreciated!
I am updating this to say that I tried using tag and text fields - no good
Hello @csmit141,

Click on use embedded data present as the last option in cross tab banner option and please note the following:

In order to use embedded data in your cross tabulation, you must enter all values you would like to include for each embedded data field in the provided text area, one value per line.
Hi Sashi - Thank you so much for your answer. I am not sure I follow. I am looking for the option at the bottom of the crosstab list of fields and the option to include embedded data does not appear. I don't see a "provided text area". Can you please explain further? Thanks!
hey @csmit141 ,

can you attach screenshot what options are visible to you on screen, if possible ?

Hope this helps,


Also there should be embedded data in the survey else it wont appear. see the below image

there is no option to use embed, as shown in Shashi's example
hey @csmit141 ,

can we try following steps to check if it works..

1. click on skip this step

2. !

3. something like above image will appear.

4. click select question and scroll down at bottom.

5. Check if your embedded fields are listed there

6. !

Like this
Hi Sashi, Thanks for your message. -- no - the bar is followed by a line that says there are no embedded variables available .

> @Shashi said:

> @csmit141


> Hope this helps,


> !


> Also there should be embedded data in the survey else it wont appear. see the below image

> !



@csmit141, please view this
I get it -- I can add fields but they must be defined to the survey as embedded fields before I upload the data - groan - I will post a different question - Thanks Sashi

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