Exporting - editing - importing process. | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I am wanting to send a reminder email to a large data-set to a survey previously distributed. When i sent the surveys out originally i received from emails in response and want to remove certain people who haven't completed the survey from the list. Is there a way i can export the contact list, edit the people in the list (e.g. move certain contacts) and then re-import them with the edited respondents only?


If you want to remove people from the distribution list that haven't responded, you may be able to do that by editing your contact list and remove them that way. It depends if you have a good filter to find them on the list.

The answer really depends on if you use Target Audience or not.

If you don't use Target Audience, the easiest solution is to just opt-out the people you don't want to send a reminder to, then send a reminder from the original distribution.

Opting out is also an option in Target Audience, but since it would opt them out of everything going forward, you probably don't want to do that. Instead, create an upload csv of the people you want to exclude with their emails and a new field to flag them, and upload it to update their records. Then create a sample that only includes the people who haven't completed the survey and whose new screening field is blank. Send an invite to the sample.
one solution is to download distribution history from survey, delete those who dont want to resend. and make new contact list with selected records and send reminder email.

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