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I had 2 issues I needed help with (listed below). Thank you for your help in advance.

1. I have multiple choice question where I am having respondents to choose one answer from list of options. The last option is "Other (please indicate)" - the question is how do I add a text box to get respondents answer next to the option?

2. I have a demographics question - which is also a multiple choice; where I ask:

"Is your site located in the US?" Options are: "YES" "NO"

Then I ask;

"If yes, please indicate State" - how do I add a drop down box to capture State?

Then, if Option is selected as "NO" - I would like to be able to provide a space where they can write "Country site is located in" - how do I do that?

Thank you once again.


Ashesh Saraf
(1) Other (please indicate) - Click on the Other answer option, then click the drop down arrow to the right and select "Allow Text"

(2a) State drop down - Add any type of question. Then on the right click the box under "Change Question Type". Then select Question Library/Qualtrics Library/Survey Library/Demographics/Country & US States/50 States,DC and Puerto Rico. Then click Import.

(2b) Country - There is a Country drop down in the same place as States. Use the same process as above to add. Otherwise, just add a text entry question.

On your state and country questions, you'll want to use display logic to display to appropriate question based on the answer to the Yes/No question. Click the cog to the left of each question and select Display Logic to add.
Thank you TomG. It makes sense I will try it out.
@Ashesh2018 I would suggest you also eliminate your yes/no question about living in the United States. It is extra work on the respondent that you can still get to.

If you think most of your respondents will have a site in the US:

Q1. In which state is your site located?

[drop down of united states where the first option is Outside of the United States]

IF outside of the united states is answered then

Q2. In which country is your site located?

[drop down of countries]

ELSE if they pick a state skip Q2 and go to the next question

If most sites are anticipated to be outside of the United States flip the order. Although it may more logically flow to ask Countries you have sites in and then if they pick the United States as one of their answers display a question that collects state. You are going from big picture to narrowing picture that way instead of zoomed in to zoom out.

You can still infer the same information for the total sample about having a site in the US (yes/no). And you are cutting back on one question for what you anticipate most of your audience to be.
Hi Bstrahin

Thank you for the suggestion.

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